to come back meaning in marathi

Word: to come back

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
ovaandane ( ओवांडणे )
मागे फिरणे
परत येणे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to come downto come forthto come into beingto come outto come tearing out ofto come to a closeto come to a haltto come to a stopto come to an endto come to be understoodto come to consciousnessto come to lightto come to mindto come to nothingto come to restto come to understandto come together withto come togetherto come upto comfortto commandto commit adulteryto compareto compileto complainto concealto cometo conclude the performance of a votive practiceto condemnto condense