to look expectantly meaning in marathi

Word: to look expectantly

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
lodhane ( लोधणे )
लुब्ध होणे
आशेने बघणे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to look forto look fresh and niceto look goodto look niceto look overto loosento lookto lootto lose because of delayto lose consciousness of ones bodyto lowerto lull to sleepto lureto lustto lose consciousnessto loseto lowto maintainto make a beginningto make a cloud turn and shower down rainto make a cracking soundto make a dealto make a detourto make a ferocious noiseto make a requestto make a resolutionto make a signto make a soft soundto make a sound like a growlto make a sound with