type of insect that attaches itself to the teat of a pregnant cow preventing her from giving milk after she has given birth to a calf meaning in marathi

Word: type of insect that attaches itself to the teat of a pregnant cow preventing her from giving milk after she has given birth to a calf

Meanings in marathi :

pahurani ( पहुरणी )
एक किडा-हा गाय गाभण असताना आंचळला लागला तर गाय व्याल्या- वर दूध देत नाही
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
type of intoxicatingly fragrant flowertype of jasmine flowertype of jasmine plant or flowertype of jeweltype of jujube treetype of knowledge also called dehavidyātype of knowledge given by a deity not by the supreme godtype of knowledge given by the deities māyā and viśvatype of knowledge in which one sees maḷa and piṇḍasthā directlytype of knowledge that arrests the aging processtype of knowledge that gives the one who has it a golden diamond-hard bodytype of leafy vegetabletype of lentiltype of look or glancetype of looktype of līḷā of cakradhara classified under the general head vihāra-rūpa līḷāstype of male ghosttype of malodorous woodtype of mango treetype of medicinal herbtype of medicinal roottype of medicinal substancetype of melodytype of metaphortype of millettype of mimosa flowertype of mogarā flowertype of musictype of musical instrument resembling a drumtype of musical instrument