who meaning in marathi

Word: who

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
jo ( जो )
Identical words :
who eats a meal - jevanaar ( जेवणार )
who does not receive food in addition to pay as compensation for work - ajevani ( अजेवणी )
who quenches the enemys fire - arijhadapataka ( अरिझडपटका )
whole - samyak ( सम्यक )
who obtains - aarjak ( आर्जक )
who acquires - aarjak ( आर्जक )
who fulfills his devotees wishes - aartadaani ( आर्तदानी )
who has control over his senses - indriyejit ( इंद्रियेजीत )
who misbehaves - kakhaay ( कखाय )
who controls - kalita ( कळिता )
whosoever - konuhuvi ( कोणुहुवि )
who with neg anyone - konh ( कोण्ह )
who strikes with a sword - khaandebhadaad ( खांडेभडाड )
who eats - khaair ( खाइर )
whose life span has come to an end - gataayu ( गतायु )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
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