Nadir meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nadir
As noun : अधेोबिन्दु Ex:  Our cricket teams performance reached its nadir in the World Cup.
अधोबिंदु Ex:  The nadir is diametrically opposed to the zenith अधोबिन्दु Ex:  The zenith and nadir निम्नतम स्तर पाताल उ:   इसके नीचे सात पाताल नगरियां हैं। पादबिन्दु बिल्कुल निम्न स्तर सबसे निम्न स्तर
Other : पताल
Nadir ki paribhasha : purunaanusaar puthvi ke niche ke saat lokon men se saatavaaan
Nadir synonyms
rock bottom base floor all-time low low point record low zero level
Nadir antonyms
Usage of Nadir in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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