Night meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Night
As noun : इशा Ex:  My computer crashed last night
ऊर्म्या Ex:  a starry night चंद्रकांता Ex:  they went to a movie every Saturday night उ:   एक और चंद्रकांता कमलेश्वर का एक उपन्यास है। चक्रभेदिनी Ex:  Every night she takes a sleeping pill. तन्युत Ex:  Today is the first night of his show. ताराभूषा Ex:  Yesterday at night she heard a shotgun blast. त्रिजामा Ex:  today is our naptual night धुंध Ex:  She coughed up phlegm all night . नक्तमुखा Ex:  Stop juicing up every night . निशीथिनी Ex:  In the night of April 21 निषद्वरा, निषद्वरी Ex:  On the night of August 27 Ahmat Acyl निषद्वरा, निषद्वरी Ex:  On the night of August 27 Ahmat Acyl यामीरा Ex:  On the night of July 24 रजनि Ex:  In the night before the day of battle रजनी Ex:  On the night of October 11–October 12 उ:   रजनी का अर्थ होता है रात। रात Ex:  The night before the National League playoffs began उ:   रात को पुस्तक विश्वनाथ-मन्दिर में रख दी गयी। रातड़ी, रातरी ‡ Ex:  Both of them are children of Perun, born on the night of the new year . रात्र Ex:  On the night of Adolf Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch रात्रि Ex:  On the night of October 25 उ:   रात्रि हो जाने के कारण हरनावा में रुके। रात्रिका Ex:  On the night of July 7 रात्रिका Ex:  On the night of July 7 रैन Ex:  Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the night before the launch. उ:   इस इमारत को रैन बसेरा कहा जाता है। वायुरोषा Ex:  On the night of December 5 वाशुरा Ex:  By the time large-scale demolitions were ordered on Sunday night वासतेयी Ex:  On the night of November 3 वास्तवोषा Ex:  Temperatures vary widely from day to night शाम Ex:  The Ipatiev House was demolished in one night उ:   शाम को यहां भक्ति संगीत की आनन्द लिया जा सकता है। श्रीणा Ex:  During the night of May 31 श्रीसदा Ex:  Gandhi on the night of June 26 संध्याबंधू Ex:  J. Edgar Hoover died during the night of May 1–May 2 सुरर्णी Ex:  The same night of the referendum
Other : क्षपा Ex:  a night bloomer निशा Ex:  She kicked off her covers in the night . निशि Ex:  George ventured forth into the night . उ:   'प्रथम पहर निशि गाइये ग नि को कर संवाद। निशीथ Ex:  They crashed out at midnight . विभावरी Ex:  At night he played with guitarist Luther Perkins and bassist Marshall Grant. शब Ex:  Except for the finale and some night scenes शर्वरी Ex:  The night of the election
Night ki paribhasha : klesh ya shok ki sthiti phalit jyotish ke anusaar janmakundli ka aathavaaan sthaan ek prasiddh praachin desh jo arab ke uttar men hai utana samay jitane samay tak soory ka prakaas na desh pade phalit jyotish men mesha, vrasha, mithun aadi chhah raaniyaaan dhooandhalaapan bah aandhera jo hava men mili dhool ke kaaran ho samay ka vah bhaag jisamen soory ka prakaash ham tak nahin pahuanchata
Night synonyms
midnight duskiness gloom evening darkness nighttime eventide blackness nightfall twilight obscurity dim witching hour bedtime after dark after hours before dawn dark hours dead of night dusk to dawn nighttide pitch dark
Night antonyms
morning daylight cognizance sensibility daybreak brightness daytime illumination lightness enlightening intelligence sense understanding
Usage of Night in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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