Nonchalant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nonchalant
As noun : अनास्थ Ex:  A nonchalant
अपरत Ex:  A way of speaking nonchalant अप्रयत्न Ex:  An approach nonchalant अलोलु Ex:  character who is nonchalant उदासिता Ex:  Substantively, A nonchalant उदासीन Ex:  What nonchalant child! By extension, a mood nonchalant उ:   वे आधुनिक हिन्दी में गद्य के विकास के प्रति उदासीन थे। निरमर्ष निरुस्तुक निष्प्रतीप विकौतुक विमध्यम सनिर्विशेष
Nonchalant ki paribhasha : baarah prakaar ke raajaaon men vah raaja jo do raajaaon ke bich yuddh hote samay kisi ki or na ho, kinaare rahe
Nonchalant synonyms
unconcerned lukewarm offhand mellow lackadaisical dispassionate unruffled effortless aloof detached unflappable unemotional casual apathetic unperturbed airy blasã© calm careless cold collected composed cool disinterested happy impassive imperturbable indifferent insouciant light listless loose neglectful negligent neutral placid serene smooth trifling uncaring unfeeling untroubled incurious disimpassioned unexcited unimpressible
Nonchalant antonyms
interested enthusiastic excited careful deliberate planned biased emotional nervous upset worried responsive intense jumpy caring concerned hard feeling unnerved
Usage of Nonchalant in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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