Now and then meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Now and then
As adverb : कभी कभी Ex:  I like to eat a meal out every now and then .
पर्यायशः यदाकदा उ:   हालांकि यदाकदा इसका अपवाद भी मिलता रहा है। वक्तन् फौक्तन् समय समय पर
Now and then synonyms
intermittently infrequently occasionally every now and then sporadically periodically at times from time to time hardly irregularly off and on sometimes every so often now and again at intervals every once in a while not often on occasion once and again once in a blue moon once or twice
Usage of Now and then in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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