Nowhere meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nowhere
As noun : किसी जगाह नहीं Ex:  90% are found nowhere else in the world.
मामूली सी जगह Ex:  , those found nowhere else. सुदूर Ex:  And the nation can be nowhere else but in Africa". उ:   सुदूर दक्षिण में ताप्त अपेक्षाकृत ऊँचा रहता है। सुदूरवर्ती स्थान Ex:  , have reached an impasse, be in a situation that offers no way out favorable or be in a job that leads nowhere
As adverb : कहीं नहीं Ex:  We have nowhere near enough wood for the winter .
Nowhere synonyms
ordinary regular moderate mediocre medium general mainstream fair familiar plastic common middling intermediate humdrum standard commonplace garden customary dime a dozen everyday fair to middling middle of the road passable so-so tolerable undistinguished unexceptional usual garden-variety boilerplate run of the mill mundane hackneyed stupid dumb corny trite bland blah conventional flat hokey insipid nothing old hat pabulum pedestrian square stale stereotyped stock tired tripe unimaginative unoriginal watery wishy-washy zero bromidic clichã©d platitudinous cornball cornfed dull as dishwater ho hum noplace tedious monotonous stodgy tiring lifeless stuffy tame bomb bummer plebeian dead drag drab routine cloying arid colorless interminable irksome moth-eaten repetitious spiritless threadbare unexciting wearisome drudging characterless unvaried well-worn matter-of-fact impassive deadpan dispassionate detached unemotional blank chill cold cold-blooded cool distant frigid glacial heartless icy immovable impersonal in cold blood indifferent poker face remote reserved thick-skinned cold fish cool cat laid back nonemotional stony-eyed toneless unimpassioned with straight face nothingness siberia demilitarized zone left field out there extinction darkness nullity void eclipse nirvana blackness emptiness nihility nonexistence actual clean dry factual lackluster literal lowly practicable practical prose uneventful vanilla yawn diddly workaday ho-hum lusterless prosy uninspiring matter-of- fact distasteful uninspired flavorless mild plain unappetizing unpalatable unsavory unseasoned watered-down weak big zero plain vanilla savorless unpleasurable without spice onerous laborious exhausting annoying arduous burdensome demanding difficult dragging exacting hard heavy hefty oppressive strenuous too much tough trying vexatious wearing fatiguing unrelieved wearying a bit much boresome enervative jading uncool dreary depressing dismal dusty jejune soporific big yawn unenjoyable unentertaining innocuous inane least limp vacant vacuous milquetoast driveling flat tire milk-and-water
Nowhere antonyms
abnormal extraordinary unusual infrequent atypical irregular uncommon extreme exceptional rare outstanding intelligent new original sharp smart fresh exciting interesting lively eventful current fascinating bright different emotional responsive biased feeling passionate demonstrative sympathetic certitude certainty sureness surety fullness awareness consciousness understanding creative imaginative thinking appetizing flavorful savory tasty moral tasteful couth nice trivial facile fun stimulating easy light active happy pungent spicy strong
Usage of Nowhere in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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