Nutshell meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nutshell
As noun : अखरोट आदि का छिलका Ex:  gave the facts in a nutshell
अति संक्षेप में कहने का ढंग खोलक छिलका उ:   इसका छिलका बहुत मोटा होता है। छेवर छोँत छोकला त्वक् उ:   इस प्रकार विटामिन ए की कमी से त्वक् शुष्कता, रात्र्यंधता होती है। परिपीवर पोकलाई ‡ फुकली स्वोरस
Nutshell ki paribhasha : phalon, kadon tatha isi prakaar ki aur vastuon ke oopar ka kosh ya baahar aavaran jo chhilane, kaatane ya todne se sahaj men alag ho sakata hai
Nutshell synonyms
trim systematize cut abbreviate inventory codify shorten condense decrease epitomize classify survey summarize abstract tabulate compress cut down sum up methodize synopsize summate boil down cut to bone get to the meat put in a nutshell lower dwindle lessen pare slash diminish curtail weaken shave dilute clip abridge slim impair impoverish depress debase bankrupt ruin rebate moderate depreciate truncate deflate break discount cheapen diet abate pauperize drain taper recede contract chop cut back step down tone down turn down scale down bant go on a diet lose weight mark down roll back slow down take off weight taper off wind down rundown rehash sketch outline essence review analysis synopsis version prospectus skeleton abbreviation case sense extract brief syllabus reduction core conspectus capitulation report epitome abridgment roundup compendium condensation recapitulation precis rã©sumã© prã©cis aperã§u long and short of it pandect sum and substance wrap-up summation
Nutshell antonyms
disorganize amplify enlarge increase lengthen grow misunderstand develop expand extend raise strengthen add fill detail compliment praise prolong laud upgrade enhance stretch invigorate rise win enlargement expansion extension dissertation thesis unabridgement
Usage of Nutshell in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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