Oppression meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Oppression
As noun : अभिधर्षण Ex:  the tyrants oppression of the people
उत्पीड़न Ex:  A tyrants oppression of his people. उ:   इस लॉन्ग मार्च का मुख्य एजेंडा जाति उत्पीड़न के खिलाफ लड़ाई था। उपलालिका Ex:  Many of Heinlein's novels are stories of revolts against political oppression जबरजस्ती Ex:  The Finns called this policy "the first period of oppression 1899–1905". जबरदस्ती Ex:  After thousands of years of political oppression उ:   लेकिन इनको जबरदस्ती इसमें लपेटा जाता है। जबरन Ex:  Often the victims of oppression are either Earth people or robots. उ:   यह त्रिपुरा के लोगों को जबरन धर्मांतरण करता है। जबर्दस्ती Ex:  Because of the identification of the concept of race with political oppression उ:   जब उन्होंने नहीं दिया तो वह जबर्दस्ती काट लिया गया। जोराजोरी Ex:  "Dictatorships foster oppression ज्यानि Ex:  Rights protect minorities from the oppression of majority . दमथ Ex:  And he said to Any kind of oppression and violence दमन Ex:  He said again, figuratively and poetically, a state of slavery, oppression उ:   यहाँ की राजधानी दमन है। धींगाधीँगी Ex:  The people groaned under the most cruel oppression पेशदस्ती Ex:  We never pushed further oppression बालादस्ती बिसमौ विषाद उ:   धर्म के मार्ग पर चलने वाले व्यक्तियों को भी विषाद हो सकता है। संप्रतापन संसदन सरजोरी हकनाहक
Other : जुल्म Ex:  Ayyavazhi has also taken a strong stand against political oppression उ:   अंग्रेजों ने जुल्म की सभी हदें पार कर दीं। पीड़न Ex:  Times are bad, says the time of trouble, of famine, oppression प्रदमन बलात्कार सखती उ:   डीएनए से किसी भी व्यक्ति की पहचान की जा सखती है। सितम
Oppression ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka snchaari bhaav dnd jo kisi ko dabaane ke liye diya jaata hai
Usage of Oppression in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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