Palm meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Palm
As noun : कफेदस्त Ex:  Important manufactured goods include palm oil and cake
करग्ग Ex:  Major agricultural products include palm oil करतल Ex:  The palm was also sacred to Apollo because he had been born under one in Delos. उ:   जब वे मुक्त किए गए तो लोगों ने करतल ध्वनि द्वारा इसका स्वागत किया। ताड़ Ex:  Cabinda produces hardwoods, coffee, cocoa, crude rubber and palm oil. उ:   सागो, ताड़ की तरह का एक पौधा होता है। तालबृंत Ex:  A long palm game, or a set of mail तृणशाल Ex:  Anatomy He said each of the two muscles that move the forearm and hand so that when they contract, the palm of the hand is above पाणितल Ex:  Anatomy Relating to the palm पीतवर्ण Ex:  Bat palm Battoir used at Jeu de Paume to return the ball उ:   पुष्प सूक्ष्म, पीतवर्ण की मंजरियों में आते हैं। श्रीबीज Ex:  Drink in the palm of the hand सद्मनी Ex:  Have the palm of the long, short hand, etc हत्थल Ex:  He was wounded in the palm हथली Ex:  How are they players? Player palm pelota player हथेली Ex:  It also said a leather piece, some craftsmen, such as bookbinders and saddlers, cover the palm hand, when working उ:   हथेली की दिशा ऊपर की ओर होगी। हथोड़ी Ex:  palm species that grows in India and whose leaves are very large हथ्थल Ex:  palm species that grows in Madagascar and the Sunda Islands and whose leaves are fanned हाथ में छिपाना Ex:  Part of a glove which covers the palm हाथाली Ex:  Place palm trees
Other : अष्टी मारना Ex:  The longest type of leaf is a leaf from palm trees करताल Ex:  Malaysia is one of the top exporters of natural rubber and palm oil खजूर Ex:  Malaya became the world's largest major producer of tin, rubber, and palm oil. उ:   खजूर एक एंटी-एजिंग एजेंट के रूप में कार्य करता है। घूस देना Ex:  It also became Africa's leading exporter of pineapples and palm oil. जय Ex:  Lined with palm trees and adjacent to the coast उ:   ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा,भोले हर शिव ओंकारा। जयमाला Ex:  The Green Square located near the waterfront is scattered with palm trees ताड का पेड Ex:  The city exports coffee, cocoa, copra, and palm kernels. तालवृक्ष Ex:  A male palm tree, a female palm ताड़ का पेड़ Ex:  adjectively, orchestique Gender, one of the two main types of ancient gymnastics, which embraced all that related to dance and the exercise of the palm बड़प्पन Ex:  Blason Who wears an open hand with the palm we see विजय चिह्न Ex:  Botanical Kind of Family Liliaceae plants whose main species is the size of the palm trees and produced during hot weather , a resinous substance called Blood of Dragon or Blood Dragon विजय Ex:  clueless Head, Wood, whose top opens and shows the fingers and the palm उ:   वे समझने लगे कि यह हमारी ही विजय है ।
Palm ki paribhasha : khaat ki bunan jisapar log letate hain yuddh ya vivaad aadi men honevaali jit ek prakaar ka ped jo garam deshon, samudr ke kinaare ya retile maidaanon men hota hai yuddha, vivaad aadi men vipaakshiyon ka paraa- bhav dnd dene ke liye kisi ko kisi vastu se pitana ya aaghaat pahuanchaana vah nicho bhoomi ya lnba chaud gaddha jisamen barasaat ka paani jama rahata hai donon hatheliyon ke paraspar aaghaat ka shabd shaakhaarahit ek bad ped jo khnbhe ke roop men oopar ki or badhata chala jaata hai aur keval sire par patte dhaaran karata hai haath ki kalaayi ka chaud sira jisamen uangaliyaaan lagi hoti hain
Usage of Palm in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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