Parent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Parent
As noun : कारण Ex:  Edith Frank was the more devout parent उ:   इस कारण इस इमारत को जातीय भवन भी कहा जाता है।
निंता Ex:  Behavioral parent training माँ बाप Ex:  Collateral Succession, Succession is collected by a parent collaterals माता पिता Ex:  As they move away from the parent star मातापिता Ex:  Jupiter or Neptune sized planets very close to their parent star उ:   मातापिता ने इन्हें शैशवावस्था में ही त्याग दिया। मूजिब Ex:  If that parent is found to be a carrier of a CFTR gene mutation मौजिब Ex:  He broke into this house as a parent हेतुक Ex:  I tell you this as your parent and your friend
Other : अभिवावक Ex:  The teachers spoke to each parent individually. उत्पादक Ex:  Here a small bud, or daughter cell, is formed on the parent cell. उ:   यह गुजरात का सबसे बड़ा तम्बाकू उत्पादक है। जड Ex:  Banco de Crédito Centroamericano and its parent company the LAFISE Group. जनयितृ Ex:  Dust kicked up by the winds of the parent thunderstorm जन्महेतू Ex:  Those who have a parent or grandparent born in the United Kingdom पित Ex:  10 to 15% of the parent LSD epimerized to iso-LSD. Under acidic conditions पिता या माता Ex:  Neither parent could read music. पिता वा माता Ex:  From the point of view of the parent बाप या मां Ex:  The sporophyte is short-lived and remains dependent on its parent gametophyte. बाप वा मां Ex:  If one parent is affected by MS माई या बाप Ex:  Most HH objects lie within 0.5 parsecs of their parent star माता या पिता Ex:  When combined with a normal gamete from the other parent मूल आदि Ex:  This can mean that in a parent without HD but with a count close to 36 मूल जनक Ex:  New mutations, in which neither parent has HD, are rare. मूल प्रमुख Ex:  Events such as the death of a parent मूल Ex:  Oliver L. Brown was a parent उ:   एकलव्य का मूल नाम अभिद्युम्न था।
Parent ki paribhasha : koi poojy ya aadaraniy badi mahila mithila ke ek raajavnsh ki upaadhi pedon ka vah bhaag jo prathvi ke niche rahata hai
Usage of Parent in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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