Paternal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Paternal
As adjective : पिता पक्ष का Ex:  His paternal grandparents were Emperor Maximilian I and Mary of Burgundy
पितृसुलभ Ex:  After the death of his paternal grandfather पैतृक Ex:  Research by Dylan’s biographers has shown that his paternal grandparents उ:   उनका पैतृक गांव कस्बा सिसौली के पास मुंडभर है। मौरूसी Ex:  His paternal grandparents were Livia मौल Ex:  His father and his paternal grandfather
Other : दायागत Ex:  His paternal grandfather was Du Shenyan बपौती Ex:  His paternal grandfather was of French origin and born in Jersey. मौरुसी Ex:  His paternal ancestors were Lithuanian
Paternal ki paribhasha : pitaron ke liye kiya jaanevaala ek shraaddh
Usage of Paternal in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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