Pattern meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pattern
As noun : अँगौटी Ex:  the American constitution has provided a pattern for many republics
अंगवैकृत Ex:  He has made a remarkable progress within two months.
There is nothing remarkable in the new pattern of edutation.
अनुहारि Ex:  In flash cube, four flash bulbs are arranged in pattern of a cube. आइड़ियल Ex:  The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city आकार Ex:  Try to pattern your sales speech on Jane's . उ:   कड़ाहे भिन्न-भिन्न आकार के हो सकते हैं। आकारवान Ex:  According to the same pattern आकृति Ex:  They are typical examples of pattern formation through ramification. उ:   इसकी आकृति कौवे जैसी होती है। आदर्श Ex:  The pattern of the veins is called venation. उ:   बच्चों के लिए भी औली बहुत ही आदर्श जगह है। आभ्यास Ex:  Note that although it is the more complex pattern उदाहरण Ex:  This pattern is not specific for Lyme disease उ:   उदाहरण - कुत्ता भौंक रहा है। एकवर्ण Ex:  This pattern was radically to change in 1986 कृशन Ex:  The grid pattern was not maintained चित्र Ex:  A special bit pattern is used to locate the beginning of a frame. उ:   इनकी भावना प्रधान चित्र देखते ही बनती थी। चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex:  Programs are available that give players pattern searching options चीति Ex:  The present pattern of ice ages began about 40 mya चूरही Ex:  Stars following this pattern are said to be on the main sequence चेटकनो Ex:  Type 1 is a pattern where predominantly the enamel rods are dissolved चेरि, चेरी Ex:  This pattern is repeated at the national level. डिज़ाइन Ex:  After the change to the objective pattern of questioning उ:   संरचनीय डिज़ाइन पक्के गोले का किया जाता है। तमसील Ex:  Major roads follow a wheel-and-spoke pattern rather than a grid. तरीक़ा Ex:  The pattern of inheritance is criss-cross type. उ:   यह तरीक़ा कम विवादास्पद है। धनुषाकृति Ex:  This pattern was repeated नकशोनिगार Ex:  This is a pattern that predators can learn to watch for. नक्शा Ex:  From the orbital pattern of a visual binary नमूना Ex:  This swimming pattern is also known as lobstering. उ:   डार्जिलिंग हिमालयन रेलमार्ग, इंजीनियरिंग का एक आश्‍चर्यजनक नमूना है। निगु Ex:  These eggs were drawn on with wax to create a pattern पतिरूपअ Ex:  Repeating the pattern he had established during his earlier career in Germany पिक्चर Ex:  This successful evolutionary pattern has also been utilized by mimics. पैटर्न Ex:  Following the pattern set by Eusebius of Caesarea उ:   नेत्र की नसों का अपना एक अलग पैटर्न है। प्रतिच्छंद Ex:  FIFA began a pattern of alternating the hosts between the Americas and Europe प्रत्थुपमान Ex:  The leftmost pattern and the rightmost pattern by themselves have no partner बितंड Ex:  The most commonly seen pattern is the grid माडल Ex:  This pattern is configured so that मूर्त्ति Ex:  The same pattern is also seen in other tyrannosaurids. उ:   यहां पर बुद्ध की इस अवस्‍था में एक मूर्त्ति बनी हुई है। रूप Ex:  Sequences of transits occur in a pattern that repeats every 243 years उ:   माना गया है कि विष्णु के दो रूप हुए। वपुष Ex:  The current pattern will continue until 2846 वर्प Ex:  The meaning is in how the data relates to the pattern or theory. शुक्षि Ex:  This well-established pattern सजाना Ex:  A cyclical alternating pattern may sometimes be observed during a stage. सन्निवेश Ex:  Dinosaurs do not show a pattern of steadily increasing in diversity and numbers सबी Ex:  But if information can be defined merely as a pattern समापादन Ex:  On this view, information may indeed be characterized as a pattern साझना Ex:  It is laid out on a grid pattern सिंगारना, सिँगारना Ex:  Such a pattern is known as haplo-diplontic life cycle . सैंपुल Ex:  He said again, in terms of Art, Various instruments whose form differs, but are usually intended as measuring, mold, pattern स्टैंडर्ड Ex:  He said again, in terms of music, the pattern of a fugue that meets, which is about स्वरूपगत Ex:  It also means sometimes Serve pattern to
Other : ढांचा Ex:  This pattern was followed until the major studies of the 1980s and 1990s. उ:   संगठन कागजों पर निर्मित सम्बन्धों का ढांचा नहीं है। प्रतिमान Ex:  Due to the large-scale circulation pattern into Tropical Storm Roger उ:   इस प्रतिमान में, जाल तंत्र को परतों में बाँटा गया है। बानगी Ex:  The pattern of vowels is shown in the table below. ब‌ंध Ex:  Although this repeating pattern may suggest a regular structure सांचा Ex:  The Greek alphabet and its successors settled on a left-to-right pattern उ:   यह सांचा के कुछ समान है र प्रायः वही पैरामीटर प्रयोग करता है। स्वरूप Ex:  It also designates Whatever is the cause, the subject, the pattern of a feeling, a passion, action उ:   शास्त्रों के एक अन्य स्वरूप को 'निगम' कहा जाता है।
Pattern ki paribhasha : vah jo roopa, aakaar aadi men kisi ke tuly ho haathi ke donon bade daaanton ke bich ka sthaan vastuon ya kaaryon ke paraspar aage pichhe aadi hone ka niyam kisi maal ka vah ansh jo graahak ko dekhane ke liye nikaalakar diya ya bheja jaay vah jisase grnth ka abhipraay jhalak jaay rekhaaon dbaara aakaar aadi ka nirdesh nyaay men vaaky ke paaanch avayavon men se tisara jisak saath saadhy ka saadharma्y ya vaidharma्y hota hai chndan aadi se maathe par banaaya hua chihn kisi padaarth ka vah gun jisaka bodh drashta kisi bade ya adhik padaarth men se nikaala hua vah chhota ya thod ansh jisaka upayog us mul padaarth ke gun aur svaroop aadi ka gyaan karaane ke liye hota hai
Usage of Pattern in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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