Payment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Payment
As noun : अदा की गई रक़म Ex:  receive payment
अदाइगी Ex:  The payment consists in food अदायगी Ex:  The payment was deferred for two or three days. उ:   वे कॉलेज की शुल्क अदायगी के लिए पैसे जुटा रहे थे। इनआम Ex:  The bank charged a penalty on the late payment . इनाम Ex:  I'm collecting money for payment on your loan . उ:   उसे पकड़ने के लिए इनाम का जाल फेंका गया। इन्याम Ex:  Laura tendered payment to Gary for the tickets . एक्सचेंज Ex:  The government stopped making timely payment of wages उ:   एक्सचेंज को एनएसई भी कहा जाता है। खर्चा Ex:  All parking meters in Hong Kong accept payment by Octopus card only उ:   इसके लिए जो सैटअप चाहिए उसकी वजह से खर्चा भी बढ़ जाता है। नेगजोग Ex:  In the 'Remarks' the nature of payment is recorded . प्रतिकार Ex:  A payment of funds उ:   इसके प्रतिकार स्वरूप गरुड़ अस्त्र छोड़ा जाता है। प्रतिनिष्क्रय Ex:  Action Administration to schedule a payment प्रातिहंत्र Ex:  Action to repay, payment is done to make a sum that must be फलयोग Ex:  After the first payment बख़शीश Ex:  Assigning an annuity payment a debt बदला Ex:  away payment उ:   इमारत का उपयोग सदियों के साथ बदला है। भुकतान ‡ Ex:  CONSOLIDATE also means Assign funds to ensure the payment of public debt भुगतान Ex:  Continue the payment of various account balances उ:   अपने दौर के खर्च अपनी जेब से भुगतान किए। मुबादिला Ex:  Default interest, interest due on a debt the payment is delayed and the delay proportion वर्तनविनियोग Ex:  Defer payment विप्रतिकार Ex:  Delaying payment वेचा Ex:  Delegating a fund for the payment of a creditor वेतन Ex:  Demanding payment of a debt उ:   यह वेतन भी माह अगस्त के बाद नहीं मिला है। वेता Ex:  Demanding payment of a debt वैमेय Ex:  Extend the term of payment वैरयातना Ex:  Full payment व्यतिषंग Ex:  Giving take effects payment संदाय Ex:  He further said that the tours are among taxpayers, mostly among wine merchants and innkeepers, to ensure the payment of tax
Other : अपाकर्म Ex:  cheques are sent to clearing house for payment उजरत Ex:  The payment was made in United States bonds चुकता धन Ex:  Money or items of value were needed to pay those rescuers who required payment चुकौता Ex:  Socrates explicitly denies accepting payment for teaching. चुकौती Ex:  Sometimes buses require payment upon boarding, sometimes upon exiting. चुकौना Ex:  Many routes, due to length, require payment upon both boarding and exiting. दाम Ex:  Doctors and hospitals often expect immediate cash payment for health services. उ:   इनका वास्तविक मूल्य से सौ गुना ज्यादा दाम मिलता था।
Payment ki paribhasha : dhaatuon ka aushadh roop men vyavahaar karane ke liye snskaar paise ka chaubisavaaan ya pachisavaaan bhaag ek vastu dekar doosari vastu liya jaana ya ek vastu lekar doosari vastu diya jaana vah kaary jo kisi kaary ko rokane, dabaane athava usaka badala chukaane ke liye kiya jaay vah dhan jo kisi ko koi kaam karane ke badale men diya jaay
Usage of Payment in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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