Perfectly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Perfectly
As adverb : अच्छी तरह से Ex:  The carpenter cut the wood pices perfectly to dovetail each other so that they fitted together
अच्छे तरिके से Ex:  He is a perfectly normal child. ऊभचूभ Ex:  The students of architecture were trained to make subjects which dove-tailed each other perfectly खब Ex:  The hovercraft is perfectly able to operate during the freeze-up period पुर्ण रुप से Ex:  “Bradman knew perfectly well how great a player he had been”. पूर्ण रूप से Ex:  Bradman kept perfectly still as the bowler ran in. पूर्णतः Ex:  Keen to have a new and perfectly ordained city उ:   पूर्णतः भारतीय स्वराज अर्थात हिंदवी स्वराज्य। वीसवसा Ex:  In a perfectly competitive market
Other : परिपूर्णतया Ex:  Even without describing the full structure of the system perfectly पूर्णत- Ex:  In a perfectly phonological alphabet पूर्णतया Ex:  In a perfectly phonological alphabet उ:   पात्र या तो पूर्णतया भले होते थे या एकदम गए गुजरे। संपूर्ण Ex:  Shindzwani and Shimaore are perfectly mutually intelligible. उ:   यह संपूर्ण अप्राप्य है। स‌ंपूर्णतया Ex:  Even though their tastes were different, these two friends understood perfectly
Usage of Perfectly in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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