Pilgrimage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pilgrimage
As noun : जात्र Ex:  do pilgrimage
तीर्थ यात्रा Ex:  Some of the French considered their pilgrimage completed तीर्थचर्या Ex:  After a pilgrimage to Rome तीर्थयात्रा Ex:  Merchants from various tribes would visit Mecca during the pilgrimage season. उ:   वे यहां की तीर्थयात्रा पर आते हैं। तीर्थस्थान Ex:  A few month after the farewell pilgrimage उ:   यह वैष्णव धर्म का सबसे बड़ा तीर्थस्थान है। दरगह Ex:  Marianus Scotus tells how the king made a pilgrimage to Rome in 1050 देवधाम Ex:  Go embassy pilgrimage पापशोधन Ex:  Go on pilgrimage शुक्लक्षेत्र Ex:  He reported his pilgrimage many pardons and few virtues श्रद्धायात्रा Ex:  It has made the pilgrimage to Saint Jacques de Compostela
Other : तीर्थक्षेत्र Ex:  32nd General President of the fraternity defined a pilgrimage as "a personal उ:   तीर्थक्षेत्र वह पावन भूमि होती है जहाँ की मिट्टी तक पावन होती है। तीर्थाटन Ex:  Thus Goethe's journey had something of the nature of a pilgrimage to it. उ:   तीर्थाटन का यही प्रचलन था।
Pilgrimage ki paribhasha : ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par jaane ki kriya pavitr sthaanon men darshan snaanaadi ke liye jaana
Usage of Pilgrimage in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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