Pine meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pine
As noun : काष्ठदारु Ex:  Stunted forests of pinyon pine and Juniper coexist here with manzanita shrubs
देवदार Ex:  Bedding made from red cedar and pine उ:   सारे रास्ते में चीड़ और देवदार के पेड़ है। पाइन की लकड़ी Ex:  Vegetation of the state includes ponderosa pine पारिभद्र Ex:  The Whitebark pine provides a high fat pine cone seed पारिभद्रक Ex:  A pine forest पीतुदारु Ex:  APPLE says, by extension, Various crops of more or less round: Pine Cone, The fruit pine product, the tree see below another sense पूतद्रु Ex:  He said, terms of Zoology, a passerine Genre living mainly in pine forests पूतिकाष्ठ Ex:  Incise to draw a pine resin माचीक Ex:  maritime pine Species ललानी Ex:  Resin solid that draws the incision pine लालायित होना Ex:  Suc softwood and black that pulls pine and fir वनचंदन Ex:  The pine forms a kind of family Conifers शोक में घुलना Ex:  Waters and Forests worker that extracts of pine resin सुरदारु हिलूसना
As verb : तड़पना Ex:  Conifers include Jack pine
Other : अति इच्छुक होना Ex:  They buried Aunt Mary under a pine tree . अभिलाषा करना Ex:  Locally collected pine nuts were important for food and trade. गलना Ex:  It is either an oak tree, or some sort of pine tree. घुलना Ex:  The Norfolk Island pine चीड का पेड या देवदारु Ex:  The great ponderosa pine forests of the Colorado Plateau did not exist. चीड‌़ Ex:  Lodgepole pine forests cover 80% of the total forested areas. चीड़ Ex:  In the mountains, spruce, fir, and pine are more common. झुराना Ex:  Only one third of Kras is now covered by pine forest. नष्ट होते जाना Ex:  These include lodgepole pine मुरझाना या गलना Ex:  Place pine trees लट जाना Ex:  Planting pine लालायित होना. Ex:  Resinous material that comes from pine or fir सनोबर सरल वृक्ष
Pine ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth ke ghanatv ka kam ya nasht hona paani, doodh aadi patali chijon men khool hil mil jaana
Usage of Pine in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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