Poetic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Poetic
As adjective : कविसुलभ Ex:  The play ascribes different poetic forms to different characters
काव्यमय Ex:  Shakespeare uses a large variety of poetic forms throughout the play. उ:   उनकी उपमाएँ कवितामय काव्यमय होती हैं। काव्यात्मक Ex:  What makes up our poetic canon is not gazels and kasîdes but rather kayabaşıs उ:   काव्यात्मक प्रभाव के लिए यह अनुपम है।
Other : अलंकृत Ex:  Of his poetic writing उ:   कुछ स्तंभ अलंकृत भी हैं। कवि का Ex:  Although he wrote in all poetic forms छन्दबद्ध Ex:  For a poet of his stature, Eliot's poetic output was small. उ:   वेद के सूक्त भी छन्दबद्ध हैं। पद्यसम्बन्धी Ex:  Irish poetic Modernism took its lead not from Yeats but from Joyce. पद्यात्मक Ex:  While all these poets are influenced by the Irish poetic tradition उ:   संस्कृत कोशों का मुख्य रूप पद्यात्मक होता था। रंगीन Ex:  John Milton and even Arthur Rimbaud got their first poetic education in Latin. उ:   यह रंगीन मिज़ाज़ के राजा हैं। शायराना Ex:  Pope had few poetic rivals but he had many personal enemies and political
Poetic ki paribhasha : jisamen kuchh anokhaapan ho
Usage of Poetic in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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