Polarity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Polarity
As noun : एक साथ विरोधी वृत्तियाँ Ex:  The polarity of the RNA largely determines the replicative mechanism
ध्रुवीयता Ex:  With alternating current the polarity changes over 100 times per second उ:   अपनी ध्रुवीयता के कारण जल एक अच्छा विलायक भी है। वाम्य Ex:  One should note the polarity in Tibetan Buddhism between shes-pa and rig-pa . विचारों में भिन्नता Ex:  The polarity of the magnet विपरीतता विपरीतत्व वैमुख्य
Usage of Polarity in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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