Portrait meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Portrait
As noun : कीर्तना Ex:  The portrait showed his bust.
ख्यातपु Ex:  She is a portrait painter. छायाचित्र Ex:  Famous city artists include the portrait painters Sir Henry Raeburn दास्तान् Ex:  Einstein later called this portrait his favourite one of him. रूपचित्र Ex:  It was not until 1567 that the first portrait of Gutenberg वर्णन Ex:  This portrait was taken during rehearsals at the Royal Court Theatre in London उ:   इसका वर्णन भगवद्गीता के पहले श्लोक में मिलता है। वर्नन Ex:  "Ron Weasley isn't a living portrait of Sean but he really is very Sean-ish". शब्द चित्र Ex:  "was thought a good portrait of the foppery then in fashion". शब्दचित्र Ex:  There is a portrait painted by Alejo Fernández उ:   शब्दचित्र के नीचे संख्या तमिल में लिखी गई है। संकथन Ex:  During filming, Olivier's portrait was painted by Salvador Dalí.
Other : आलेख्य Ex:  Jesus was the living portrait of forgiveness . छबि Ex:  Cornerstones of the collection include Picasso's portrait of Gertrude Stein उ:   यह उस तंत्र का वास्तविक छबि नहीं होता। तसवीर Ex:  His portrait adorns Nigeria's five hundred naira currency note. तस्वीर Ex:  The original of this portrait no longer exists but several others do. उ:   यह तस्वीर १८५६ की है। विस्तृत वर्णन Ex:  Antonio Pollaiuolo and the portrait sculptor शबीह Ex:  From 1948 to 1964, Franklin's portrait was on the half dollar.
Portrait ki paribhasha : vah chitr jo kisi vyakti ki soorat shakl ke thik anurup bana ho vastuon ki aakrati jo rng aadi ke dvaara kaagaja, patari aadi par bani ho chndan aadi se maathe par banaaya hua chihn ek shabdaalnkaar jisamen prayukt varnon ka is prakaar se rakhate hain ki kisi na kisi vastu ka roop ban jaata hai
Usage of Portrait in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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