Portray meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Portray
As verb : अभिनय करना Ex:  Islam requires that its adherents wear clothes that portray modesty.
आफर Ex:  Many writers portray land as in the communal ownership of traditional clans चित्रित करना Ex:  This design was to portray a scene from the Book of Exodus चीतारना Ex:  Artists such as Masaccio strove to portray the human form realistically चीतारना Ex:  Artists such as Masaccio strove to portray the human form realistically दर्शाना Ex:  portray the quick, natural प्रस्तुत करना Ex:  To represent, portray a whole person, thing, either in writing or verbally बर्नना Ex:  You do not know, I will portray the natural ब्रन्नना वरणना वर्णन करना संपादना समभिव्याहार
Other : चित्र खींचना Ex:  They also portray characters caught up by social forces चित्र बनाना Ex:  The accounts after that, still in epic poetry, portray historical figures. चित्राकंन Ex:  Although many historians portray Korea as a mere transmitter of Buddhism तस्वीर खींचना Ex:  He made portray
Portray ki paribhasha : shabdon dvaara aisa varnan karana jisase varna्y ka maanasik chitr upasthit ho jaay
Usage of Portray in sentences

The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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