Puerile meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Puerile
As adjective : उपधानक Ex:  The Civility puerile and honest title of an old book which taught children civility
बचकाना Ex:  The Civility puerile and honest, from an old book title is to teach children civility बालिश
Other : अविदग्ध Ex:  Is it child! Whether you are a child! Behave, behave, act like a child, speak like a child, Acting without thinking, hold puerile discourse बाल उ:   चेहरे के बाल की वृद्धि। बालक उ:   इसी स्थान पर बालक को भूमि स्पर्श कराया जाए। बाला उ:   अपने पति बाला वीरय्या की मृत्‍यु के बाद वे सती हो गई। बालेय
Puerile ki paribhasha : moorkh ya abodh vyakti
Usage of Puerile in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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