Pulley meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pulley
As noun : गरकी Ex:  Plutarch describes how Archimedes designed block and tackle pulley systems
गरड़ी Ex:  Arts Each of the two parts that support the axis of a pulley गरड़ी Ex:  Arts Each of the two parts that support the axis of a pulley घिरनी Ex:  Lower Marine rope to help running in its pulley or its duct and down more easily उ:   घिरनी की धुरी पर एक संकेतक लगा रहता हे। चरखी Ex:  Put a rope to a pulley उ:   ज़िले का मुख्यालय चरखी दादरी है। चहलो Ex:  Small block the copper or iron that fixed center of a pulley to receive the pin, etc टटीबा Ex:  Small block the copper or iron that fixed center of a pulley to receive the pin, etc
Other : गरारी Ex:  It aiguillette a pulley to a peak गरेरी Ex:  It is, by extension, the Axis of a pulley wheel घिर्री Ex:  Mooring connected to a tank and provided with a movable pulley along an established cable through a stream चकली Ex:  pulley चरखी या चर्खी Ex:  pulley screed
Pulley ki paribhasha : pahiye ki tarah ghoomanevaali koi vastu
Usage of Pulley in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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