Pumpkin meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pumpkin
As noun : उर्वारुक Ex:  The ants ate out the pumpkin .
कद्दू Ex:  pumpkin species whose stems crawl ashore उ:   कद्दू का खट्टा एक हिमाचली व्यंजन है। क्षीरतुंबी Ex:  Style Botanical of plants of the Cucurbitaceae family, which owns the pumpkin, pumpkin लाबु सपीतिका
Other : आल Ex:  She carved out the insides of the pumpkin . कददू Ex:  American Botanical pumpkin Species कद्द Ex:  Eating pumpkin लोकी लौकी उ:   लौकी का पौधा एक लता होती है जिसपर लौकियाँ फलती हैं।
Pumpkin ki paribhasha : kaath ki vah nali jise bhabake men lagaakar mady chuaate hain ling
Usage of Pumpkin in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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