Rabbit meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rabbit
As noun : खरगोश का बच्चा Ex:  The rabbit browsed on my carrots .
खरगोश का माँस Ex:  The rabbit scampered away across the lawn . खरगोश का शिकार करना Ex:  Fido vomited up the rabbit .
Other : अनाड़ी खिलाड़ी Ex:  The council offices were a real rabbit warren. खरगोश Ex:  These include the striped or Annamite rabbit उ:   विश्व में खरगोश की आठ प्रजातियाँ पायी जाती हैं। खरहा Ex:  "Certainly the first story I ever wrote down was about a rabbit called Rabbit. ख़रगोश Ex:  Fritz meets up with Blue, a heroin-addicted rabbit biker. बकवाद करना Ex:  Cooking stew made of rabbit meat, rabbit, deer, etc रैबिट Ex:  Fur rabbit skin लम्बी चौड़ी बातें करना Ex:  Hunting, poking, pulling rabbits rabbit शश Ex:  It also said the Hare, the male rabbit शशक Ex:  It also says Métis obtained by the crossing of the hare and the rabbit
Rabbit ki paribhasha : choohe ki jaati kaa, par usase kuchh bade aakaar ka ek jntu kaamashaastraa- nusaar purush ka ek bhed
Usage of Rabbit in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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