Rakish meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rakish
As noun : छिछोरपन लिया हुआ Ex:  Amanda, is driven to in order to reform and retain her rakish husband Loveless.
As adjective :
लम्पट उ:   इसे लम्पट मुर्ख की उपाधि इतिहासकार 'इरादत खां' ने प्रदान की । बाँका
Rakish ki paribhasha : lohe ka bana hua ek prakaar ka hathiyaar jo tedha hota hai aur jisase baaansaphod log baaans kaatate chhaaantate hain
Usage of Rakish in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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