Rebuke meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rebuke
As noun : अलामत मलामत Ex:  Servant got a rebuke from his master.
डाँट डपट Ex:  , This by the way, or elliptically, by the way, said he was speaking a thing that only mentions about another, more commonly made some slight complaint when some mild rebuke briefly फटकार उ:   क्वेयल व्यापक रूप से अपनी गलती के लिए फटकार लगाई गई थी। फटकारना फिटकारना ‡ फुहकार विगर्जा संसूचन
As verb : अकोसनापु Ex:  he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face बुरा भला कहना
Other : उपालंभ Ex:  Do not rebuke me for it would lead us into a disaster. कहना Ex:  Without pretending to rebuke उ:   क़ायदे से इस दर्रे को 'शिपकी दर्रा' या 'शिपकी ला' कहना चाहिये। घुड़की Ex:  It is sometimes used figuratively, especially in the formal style, and means Stigma, solemn rebuke चुटकी Ex:  Severe, sour rebuke झिडकना Ex:  This phrase is also used figuratively and signifies Making very sharp rebuke to someone Who Medicine झिड़की Ex:  , A soap to someone, the reprimand, strongly rebuke डपटना Ex:  , Soap someone, make him a strong rebuke डाँट-डपट डांट कर रोकना डांट फटकार करना डांट फटकार डांट निर्भर्त्सना बुरा-भला कहना भर्त्सना देना मलामत करना मलामत लानत
Rebuke ki paribhasha : aisi sthiti jisase chal ya badh na sake dnd dene ya anisht karane ka vichaar jo bhay dikhaane ke liye prakat kiya jaay phatakaarane ki kriya ya bhaav ek men mili hui bahut si chijon ko ek saath hilaana ya jhataka maarana jisamen ve chhitara jaayan
Usage of Rebuke in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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