Refresh meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Refresh
As verb : तरोताज़ा करना Ex:  The refresh a bottle in ice
फिर से भरना
Other : आराम देना Ex:  Put wine to refresh खुश करना Ex:  These troops are tired, you have to put the rest to refresh जलपान करना Ex:  I will refresh his memory is said pejoratively speaking of Someone one who claims ignore what he knows very well जिलाना Ex:  I will refresh your memory ठण्डा करना Ex:  Moisten, refresh the bowels ताज़ा करना Ex:  The refresh a table, a furniture, a toilet ताजा करना Ex:  The refresh temperature ताजा क्रना Ex:  They say absolutely in the same direction: Make refresh your people your horses, etc पुनश्चर्या प्रत्यास्मरण करना प्राण फूंकना फिर परिश्रम के योग्य करना
Usage of Refresh in sentences

The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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