Rejuvenate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rejuvenate
As verb : तजदीद Ex:  Action rejuvenate state of one who is or appears rejuvenated
नया करना Ex:  He said, colloquially and in jest, referring to people who want to rejuvenate फिर से जवान बना देना Ex:  You give me forty years you rejuvenate me फिर से जवान हो जाना Ex:  , the spring nature rejuvenates, trees rejuvenate while rejuvenates
Other : कायाकल्प करना Ex:  His efforts to rejuvenate the republic polarised Afrikaners. नया कर देना Ex:  Fountain of Youth, fabulous fountain, supposed to have the power to rejuvenate पुनरुज्जीवित करना Ex:  It seems that this woman rejuvenate फिर जवान या युवा करना Ex:  The biographical dictionaries rejuvenate the five
Usage of Rejuvenate in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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