Represent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Represent
As verb : आफर Ex:  In English `t in `tip and `s in `sip represent two different phoneme.
आसादन Ex:  Cipher can be used to represent no amount. उदाहरण के रूप मे होना Ex:  To represent the country in something is itself a great accolade. उपस्थापित करना Ex:  This led him to incorporated the flower into the flag to represent Hong Kong. गुजरानना Ex:  Jim Matheson, represent Utah in the United States House of Representatives. चिट्रण करना Ex:  After their first meeting Gefsky agreed to represent her चिट्रित करना Ex:  Many game tools are tokens, meant to represent other things. चित्रित करना Ex:  Ireland may represent the Moon चीतारना Ex:  Let ABC represent a right triangle जैसाईना Ex:  Authors increasingly used kanji to represent these words. ठवनापु Ex:  999. doesn't really represent a number, then but a process. दर्शाना Ex:  Textiles represent the most significant sector for trade दुबारा उपस्थित करना Ex:  Naval Academy alumni now represent many of the U.S. Navy's most famous names. निरुपण करना Ex:  Other IPA symbols may appear as diacritics to represent phonetic detail: पेश करना Ex:  The constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor represent bears. प्रतिनिधि होना Ex:  A variety of terms are used to represent a range of skintones प्रतिनिधित्व करना Ex:  English nothing - could equally be used to represent the same concept. प्रतीक होना Ex:  While Rotokas has a small alphabet because it has few phonemes to represent प्रदर्शन करना Ex:  Using וו to represent is प्रस्तुत करना Ex:  Often in modeling situations the payoffs represent money प्रातिधान Ex:  Let represent the probability of T being true भुगतान के लिये फिर भेजना Ex:  They represent several different people and language groups. रखना Ex:  The early Cyrillic alphabet is difficult to represent on computers. उ:   उसका मुख्य उद्देश्य लोकतांत्रिक प्रणाली को कायम रखना है। संपादना Ex:  While they represent around 1.3% of the city's population सन्निवेश Ex:  In this context, they may be intended to represent the poet and his wife. सन्यासन Ex:  Minnesota's state symbols represent its history
Other : अभ्यावेदन करना Ex:  1.pupils were selected to represent the school in the competitions. उपपादन करना Ex:  I did not represent it properly to you . किसी की जगह में काम करना Ex:  Church of God, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church each represent less than . दिखलाना Ex:  These represent two types of ATM installations: on and off premise. दोबारा प्रस्तुत करना Ex:  He argues that Plato's early dialogues represent Socratic philosophy नकल करना Ex:  The prokaryotes are generally considered to represent two separate domains नक्षा उतारना Ex:  To represent additional qualities of speech such as tooth-gnashing निरूपण करना Ex:  English sometimes uses combinations of two letters to represent single sounds निरूपित करना Ex:  Some genres represent combinations of others प्रतिनिधान करना Ex:  Youth Bulge theories represent a relatively recent development प्रतिनिधित्व Ex:  The Greeks took letters which did not represent sounds that existed in Greek उ:   आनुपार्तिक प्रतिनिधित्व का यह दूसरा प्रकार है। प्रतीक Ex:  The Hindi alphabet must represent both Sanskrit and modern vocabulary उ:   ये डिकारे भगवान के प्रतीक माने जाते है। फिर दिखाना Ex:  ASCII codes represent text in computers फिर से उपस्थित करना Ex:  To represent these new sounds रूप बनाना Ex:  These represent only two in the long Venera series वर्णन करना Ex:  The prefect's role is to represent the national government at local level व्यपदिष्ट करना Ex:  Although Christians represent less than 5% of the total Iraqi population व्यपदेशन करना Ex:  Other religions represent less than 1% each. स्वांग बनाना Ex:  The Amhara represent 30.2%, while the Tigray people are 6.2% of the population.
Represent ki paribhasha : kisi pady ya gady ke aadi ya ant ke kuchh shabd likhakar ya padhakar us poore vaaky ka pata batalaana pratinidhi hone ki kriya ya bhaav doosare ko dekhane men pravratt karana kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana
Usage of Represent in sentences

The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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