Resident meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Resident
As noun : आवासी Ex:  The towns resident population has gone up. उ:   यह वर्षा वन का आवासी है।
As adjective :
निवासी Ex:  A resident of Calgary is known as a Calgarian. उ:   लगभग ९०% निवासी निग्रो हैं।
Other : गयावाल Ex:  By 2020, at least 50% of the species resident in Brazil may become extinct. प्रत्युपराज Ex:  The Calgary Jube is the resident home of the Alberta Ballet बाशिंदा Ex:  A resident of Sydney is commonly referred to as a Sydneysider. उ:   दंड भुगतकर मुक्ति प्राप्त वह सेनानी अंदमान का बाशिंदा बना हुआ है। बासी Ex:  The median age of a Sydney resident is 34 रहने वाला Ex:  Immigrant resident communities not native to the state include the Marwaris रेजिडण्ट Ex:  Immigrant resident communities not native to the state include the Marwaris वासामात्य Ex:  A native or resident of Warsaw is called Varsovian. स्थानिक Ex:  A resident of Tehran is generally referred to as Tehrani उ:   अर्थात क्रियाओं को स्थानिक परिपेक्ष्य में समझना आसान हो जाता है। स्थायी रूप से बहुत दिनों तक एक स्थान में रहने वाला Ex:  The last resident British High Commissioner was Paul Nessling.
Resident ki paribhasha : vah jisapar kisi sthaan ki raksha ka bhaar ho poshaak pahananevaala ann ka hara daanaa, visheshata: jau ka daana
Usage of Resident in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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