Resort meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Resort
As noun : अंतर्निर्भरता Ex:  A beach to which many people resort उ:   इसके कारण विकासशील देशों में अंतर्निर्भरता के प्रयास तेज हुए।
अंतिम चारा Ex:  a year-round resort अभिसंश्रय Ex:  If negotiations fail,we will have to resort to hunger strike. अभिसंश्रय Ex:  If negotiations fail,we will have to resort to hunger strike. अभिसरन Ex:  She had no income and had to resort to begging for food and supplies. अववाद Ex:  The House of Lords is not the United Kingdom's only court of last resort आढ़ Ex:  The popular resort of Listvyanka has a seven-story Hotel Mayak. आश्रय Ex:  Tochal is the world's fifth highest ski resort उ:   यहाँ परशुराम आश्रय और लक्ष्मण विषय हुए। उपघ्प Ex:  The Walt Disney World Resort is the largest vacation resort in the world ओक्य Ex:  The Greenbrier hotel and resort औलान Ex:  Mandela explains the move to embark on armed struggle as a last resort छत्रछाँह Ex:  In addition to its beach and resort communities छावँ Ex:  It was no longer the seaside resort that it once was. जायपनाह Ex:  Atlantic City has come back as a resort city. जीवनाधार Ex:  A resort टिकोना, टिकौना Ex:  A resort town, a town where you can easily find everything one needs or wants थंबन Ex:  contacting someone last resort थेघ Ex:  Court of Aids, Rulers Court where contentious cases, on all types of contributions and tax, were considered a last resort दारमदार Ex:  In terms of Jurisprudence, of Right, Without question, without the need to resort to a decision धुराधुर Ex:  It was alleged that there was an omission in the big, they had to resort to the minute पठंगा Ex:  My whole resort is in God पदमूल Ex:  REMEDIES means, in terms of procedure, Bringing an action before a judge, resort a court, an authority परिवारता Ex:  resort be परिश्रित Ex:  The buildings of the resort पीट पठिंगा Ex:  We had to resort to the doctor प्रस्कुंद Ex:  , The great means, Means that the last resort it is used, when ordinary means have no effect मआज लौट जाना वृषय व्याश्रय व्याश्रय शरण उ:   उसने सूडान में शरण ली। शरनाई शरनी श्रय श्राय श्रिति श्रुष्टि संप्रश्न संस्तंभ सत्रापश्रय सभुपस्तंभ समुपष्टभ समुपष्टभ सरन ‡ सहारा उ:   यहां जाने के लिए नावों का सहारा लिया जाता है। सह्यकर्म सैरगाह उ:   सोनमर्ग भी कश्मीर की एक निराली सैरगाह है। स्थानाश्रय हस्तालंब हस्तावलंब हस्तावलंब हस्र
As verb : तकनापु Ex:  A small hole cheap, cheap A resort व्यपाश्रय शरण लेना
Other : अखाडा Ex:  The resort was built on nearly fifty bighas of greenery उ:   गया त्रिवेणी अखाडा से कोरमत्थु के लिए सीधी बस सेवा है । आना जाना Ex:  In developing Miami Beach's potential for resort hotels आने जाने की जगह Ex:  Dragons of equal size may resort to "wrestling". आश्रय लेना Ex:  It would also feature a number of golf courses and resort hotels. आसरा लेना Ex:  The resort was completed in 1976 shortly before the overthrow of the Shah. का आश्रय Ex:  The Sheffield Ski Village is the largest artificial ski resort in Europe गमन Ex:  Pacific Coast Borax turned its Furnace Creek Ranch crew quarters into a resort उ:   अतः हे राम! कृपा करके मेरी गमन शक्ति को नष्ट मत करो। गुजरना Ex:  The spring at Furnace Creek was harnessed to develop the resort उ:   जब वह आठ साल की थी, तब उसने एफजीएम से गुजरना शुरू किया। छटाई करना Ex:  The Court of Cassation is the court of last resort प्रश्रय Ex:  You are my only resort, my last resort उ:   नंदों ने किसी धर्म को विशेष प्रश्रय नहीं दिया। यत्र करना विश्रामस्थल सहायता लेना
Resort ki paribhasha : ek alnkaar ka naam jisamen apane marm ko chhipaane ke liye doosare ko kisi kriya ya yukti dvaara vachit karane ka varn na hota hai vaisheshik darshan ke anusaar paaanch prakaar ke karmon men se ek mahaabhaarat men varnit dharm se utpann ek devata raajaniti men shutr par vijay paane ki sukti ek prakaar ka kndil jisamen kaagaji chitron ki chalati phirati chhaaya dikhaayi padti hai
Usage of Resort in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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