Ring meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ring
As noun : अँगुठी Ex:  I came across a golden ring on the road.
अँगुलीक Ex:  he had the gem set in a ring for his wife अंगुलीय Ex:  The actual cost of ring was much higher than we had expected. अक्षधर Ex:  Can you give me your diamond ring with gold setting. अच्छूरिका Ex:  This ring is the identity of the killer. अन्नकोष्ठ Ex:  Ask him about the ring . उद्धम Ex:  I found a gold ring on the pavement. गोल अखाड़ा Ex:  The ring stiffeners and longitudinals are located between hulls गोला बनाना Ex:  In white pines there is not much contrast in the different parts of the ring गोला Ex:  The pentagram seal on this ring was said to give Solomon power over demons. उ:   आर्किमिडीज़ के अनुरोध पर उनके मकबरे पर एक गोला और बेलन बनाया गया है। घण्टी बजाना Ex:  Totality then begins with the diamond ring effect घेरना Ex:  For a time, he preserved a ring of emigré Russian friends and contacts चक्करदार मार्ग Ex:  A ring has two binary operations and , with × distributive over +. चक्र Ex:  Students cannot order a ring until completing 95 credit hours of coursework उ:   मानव चक्र मेरूदंड में होते हैं। छल्ला पहनाना Ex:  The female condom contains an inner ring छल्ला Ex:  The ring system was definitively discovered on March 10 उ:   यह छल्ला इसी उपग्रह से उभरी हुई धुल का बना है। झंकार Ex:  The ring encircles the fish झंकारित Ex:  Ali and Frazier met in the ring on March 8, 1971, at Madison Square Garden. झंझकार Ex:  The Bulvarnoye Koltso is technically not a ring झनकाना Ex:  The second primary ring झमंकार Ex:  The outermost ring within Moscow is the Moscow Automobile Ring Road झांकृत Ex:  Children's musical traditions include ring games and circle dances झुनकारपु Ex:  Formation of the polynomial ring टमकना Ex:  The E Ring is the widest and outermost ring of Saturn. टेलीफोन करना Ex:  Enceladus is orbiting inside this ring टेलेफोन की आवाज Ex:  There are actually two distinct mechanisms feeding the ring with particles. ठनठनाहठ Ex:  Å is often perceived as an A with a ring तौफ Ex:  However, in the languages that use it, the ring is not considered a diacritic दृन्फू Ex:  Unless n = 1, this ring is not commutative. धान्यकाष्ठक Ex:  M, the ring of complex square matrices, is a complex associative algebra. नाथना Ex:  The set M of all square n by n matrices over R is a ring in its own right पक्षरचना Ex:  If R is a commutative ring पण्यभूमि Ex:  Matrices over a polynomial ring are important in the study of control theory. परिगम Ex:  The third ring was for exclusive hunting and deer fields for tribal use. परिश्रयण Ex:  Cabinet is thus the inner ring of the Council of Ministers . पर्यवष्टभन Ex:  Most of such compounds were found to contain benzene ring . पारिहार्य Ex:  A beautiful ring बग्गना Ex:  A beautiful ring race बजना Ex:  A ring of iron, copper, silver, horn बजाना Ex:  Courre or run the ring उ:   उन्होंने एंथनी गोंजाल्विस नाम के एक गोअन से वायलिन बजाना सीखा। बट्ट ‡ Ex:  Emerald ring mounted बरतुल Ex:  enamel ring बेलनाकार वस्तु Ex:  He once said of the speaker closed gates where the games are made, tournaments, ring races etc मूँदना Ex:  It also tells of a Carousel Horses where one short ring राउंड Ex:  It also tells of a ring species that women wear in their ears as ornaments उ:   केवल तीन मैच खेल कर, ब्राज़ील प्रथम राउंड में बाहर हो गया। रिंग Ex:  It is also said to Thread Ring Set a ring उ:   दिल्ली के रिंग मार्ग पर पड़ने वाला एक चौराहा है। रुड़ना Ex:  It Who can receive also means that receives a ring रुनकना Ex:  Kind ring you put at the foot of a bird of falconry and on which is engraved the name of one or weapons that the bird belongs to रुनकाना Ex:  Kiss the ring of the bishop वग्गना Ex:  Most of ring races are horse वर्तनि Ex:  Place a finger in a ring वर्तुलाकार Ex:  Pull a ring from her finger वलय Ex:  ring उ:   फिनोलिक में फिनोल वलय होते हैं। वलयी Ex:  ring वाजना Ex:  ring finger or just as masculine name, the ring, the fourth finger so called because it is the one where one usually puts the ring शिंज Ex:  ring with diamonds शुरुआत करना Ex:  Ring, ring alliance, or absolutely, Alliance designates the gold or silver ring, symbol of union marriage contracted by सरकस के खेल का प्रबंधक Ex:  Skip a rope, a ribbon in a ring स्पिंनिंग रिंग Ex:  STEM in terms Ride, means the Piece of wood which hangs the ring मुखिया उ:   इन राज्यों के मुखिया को राज्यपाल नहीं राजप्रमुख कहा जाता था।
Other : अँगूठी Ex:  it has the ring of sincerity उ:   उस अँगूठी को एक मछली निगल गई। अंगूठी पहनाना Ex:  This ring was handed down through many generations अंगूठी Ex:  Shuttlecocks are made of a round piece of rubber with a ring of real feathers. उ:   लेकिन राजधानी जाते हुए रास्ते में वह अंगूठी खो जाती है। अखाड़ा Ex:  She presented a ring embedded with topaz to her sister. कुंडल Ex:  Saturn has a big ring around it. उ:   कभी-कभी उनका एक ही कुंडल पहने रहना "बृहत्संहिता" से अनुमोदित था। खनक Ex:  Her aunt gave her a ring as a keepsake. गुट Ex:  I don't plan to ring out the old this year . उ:   सोवियत सेना के दस्तों के वारों से फ़ासिस्ट गुट गिर पडा़। गूँज Ex:  To complete the ring road गोल वस्तु Ex:  The position of the ring is known as the Ringstellung . घंटी Ex:  McCartney bought her a gold ring उ:   प्रत्येक स्तंभ के प्रत्येक ऊपरी कोण पर एक घंटी बनी है। घण्टियों का बजना Ex:  Paracetamol consists of a benzene ring core घण्टियों का शब्द Ex:  In the case of the latter, the ring is termed a heterocycle. घण्टीं का बजाना Ex:  Encircling the city are five ring roads घेर Ex:  Urban area ring roads and major through routes उ:   ऐसे व्यक्ति को जीवित रहते भी अनेक रोग और कष्ट घेर लेते हैं। घेरा या मंडल या चक्र Ex:  Saturn's second largest moon Rhea may have a tenuous ring system of its own. घेरा Ex:  For example, the ring modulated "Mu Mu! चक्कर Ex:  Although they were expected to wear at least one ring उ:   अपस्मार, मूर्छा, चक्कर आना, कफ रोग आदि इसके उपयोग से मिट्टी हैं। चूड़ी Ex:  A pre-shaped vinyl balloon was formed and attached to the ring छल्ला{चाभी या नेपकिन का} Ex:  They concluded that there must be a ring system around the planet. टनटनाना Ex:  Enceladus was first observed during a ring crossing टोली Ex:  Based on the connection between Enceladus and the E ring ठनकना Ex:  An example of this is the ring galaxy दायरा Ex:  The green ring does not affect the egg's taste उ:   शादी के बाद आपकी दोस्ती का दायरा सर्वाधिक प्रभावित होता है। नथिया Ex:  If we start with a ring R उ:   ऐब्टाबाद ज़िले के बीच में नथिया गली नाम का प्रसिद्ध हिल-स्टेशन है। बजना{घण्टियोँ का} Ex:  both genders which is arranged in a ring बजाना{घण्टीँ का} Ex:  Door knocker, ring or beating Kind of iron that is attached to the middle of a door to the outside and with which one strikes to get open बाली Ex:  Give a ring to someone उ:   बाली लिपि, ब्राह्मी से व्युत्पन्न है। भनक Ex:  He put a ring on her finger मंडल Ex:  He said he was a Fence surrounding the prepared space for the head or ring races, for tournaments, fighting at the gate, and other exercises of this kind उ:   यह ज़िला कानपुर मंडल का हिस्सा है। मंडली Ex:  I found the ring she had lost and I've referred to it उ:   इस मंदिर की देखभाल के लिए एक मंडली नियुक्त की गई। मण्डली Ex:  In terms of antiquity, he said in a ring Sort elliptical, which in hieroglyphic inscriptions around them proper names, honorifics मुँदरी Ex:  In terms of Arts, he refers Any device recalling the shape of a ring वृत्त Ex:  ring that is inside of a bell to hold the door hanging उ:   इसमें आठ सौ से अधिक कवियों का वृत्त दिया गया है। वृत्‍त Ex:  ring the bells
Ring ki paribhasha : lohe ke ek astr ka naam jo pahiye ke aakaar ka hota hai sab or se aabaddh karake mndl ya sima ke andar laana vah jo kisi kaam men sab se aage ho jhnjhanaahat ka shabd jo kisi dhaatukhnd se nikalata hai vah saadi aangoothi jo dhaatu ke taar ke tukade ko modkar banaayi jaati hai aur haath pair ki uangaliyon men pahani jaati hai kisi baaje aadi par aaghaat pahuanchaakar athava hava ka jor pahuanchaakar usase shabd utpann karana athaarah prakaar ke galagnd rogon men se ek kisi padaarth ka kuchh bad gol pind .... yau baila, bhainse aadi ki naak chhedakar usamen isaliye rassi dalana jisamen ve vash men rahen
Usage of Ring in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, transitive verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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