Roast meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Roast
As noun : उच्छोषण Ex:  He has ordered a roast in the fast food centre.
उपशोष Ex:  I dug up a recipe for roast pork with pineapple . कबाब Ex:  Oh, no! I've burned the roast . उ:   मांसाहारी बर्गर में सलामी, चिकन या कबाब इत्यादि लगाये जा सकते हैं। काढना Ex:  The roast was garnished with slices of apple . तीव्र आलोचना करना Ex:  Cook a roast in the oven निष्टपन Ex:  Cooking What in a meal is used after the roast and before dessert पकाना Ex:  Eat roast beef भुनी हुई वस्तु Ex:  It is to roast रोस्ट Ex:  Serve roast beef शुलिका Ex:  Small roast, roast menu, chickens, partridge, woodcock, Snipe, Ortolan, etc शूल्यमांस Ex:  The one, the one that specialty roast meats षोषण Ex:  They are served dinner roast boar संशोष Ex:  They are served dinner roast boar सप्रहास Ex:  We just serve the roast सुखाना Ex:  We must put a roast in the woodcocks extreme natural सेंकना Ex:  , What are you doing to roast in the sun? SE ROASTING means, for exaggeration and familiarly If heated too close, or to be near the fire सोखावना Ex:  a roast pork हँसी उड़ाना
As verb : छिद्रान्वेषण करना Ex:  Here's the roast you ordered . निष्टपन Ex:  Cooking What in a meal is used after the roast and before dessert भूनना Ex:  Place where roasters sell their roasted meats or ready to roast भ्रज्जन Ex:  Put yourself in the shade, you roast मगारना Ex:  roast They served
Other : तलना Ex:  Action to roast भूंजना Ex:  ordinary wine, The Ordinary quality wine we drink during the meal, unlike the finest wines we drink roast and dessert, etc
Roast ki paribhasha : kadkadate hue ghi ya tel men dalakar pakaana garam ghi ya tel aadi me dalakar kuchh der tak chalaana jisase usamen sodhaanpan aa jaay kisi goli ya nam chij ko dhoop ya hava men athava aaanch par is prakaar rakhana ya aisi hi aur koi kriya karana jisase usaki aarda्rata ya nami door ho ya paani sookh jaay
Usage of Roast in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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