Rustle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rustle
As noun : चुराना Ex:  The rustle of a wing
चुरावना Ex:  The rustle of leaves stirred by the wind मूषण सरसराना सरसराहट
Other : खडखडाना Ex:  I think I can rustle something up for dinner . खडखडाहट Ex:  The rustle of a dress खड़खड़ाना Ex:  The rustle of a Member खड़खड़ाहट Ex:  The rustle of a muscle झडझडाना झडझडाहट झड़झड़ा झड़झड़ाना झड़झड़ाहट
Rustle ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ki usake svaami ke paroksh ya anajaan men le lena vaayu ka sar sar ki dhvani karate hue bahana saaanp aadi ke reganne ka sa anubhav
Usage of Rustle in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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