Saccharine meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Saccharine
Other : अलकतरा की चीनी Ex:  which is characterized, among other symptoms, a urine excretion containing saccharine matter
मधुर Ex:  which is characterized, among other symptoms, by an output of urine containing saccharine matter उ:   आपकी पावन और मधुर वाणी ने जनता के तमाम स्तरों को राममय कर दिया। शक्कर संबन्धी शर्करीय सैकरीन
Saccharine ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka kapad jo praayaः musalamaan log pahanate hain aur jise shirinbaaph bhi kahate hain
Usage of Saccharine in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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