Scabies meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Scabies
As noun : कंडूया Ex:  It also says that the remedies employed against scabies
कलकल Ex:  Medicine That looks like scabies खाज Ex:  Take, have, give scabies उ:   खाज के आम लक्षण हैं - खुजली। खुजली Ex:  veterinary horse skin disease Art, so scabies which usually shows in the neck folds near the mane, and that causes the fall of hair and hair उ:   दानों में बड़ी खुजली और जलन होती है। झोँझ Ex:  Who gets scabies पीतस्फोट सुकंडु सुकंडु सृकंडु, सृकंडू सृकंडु, सृकंडू
Other : खर्जू Ex:  Medicine Who is the nature of diseases and especially pustular scabies पामा
Scabies ki paribhasha : ek rog jisamen sharir bahut khujalaata hai ek prakaar ki kaayi jisake chhou jaane se khujali utpann ho jaati hai
Usage of Scabies in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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