Scorer meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Scorer
As noun : अंक प्राप्त करने वाला Ex:  I am acting as a scorer in the play.
अंक बनाने वाला Ex:  It is often claimed that Pelé is the most prolific scorer in football history. अंकों का रिकर्ड रखने वाला Ex:  Each player often acts as scorer for one other player in the group आँकिक Ex:  His NBA career personal averages show him to be an average scorer गणक Ex:  A linen scorer उ:   तथा वे ३४६ रंस के साथ उस साल के उच्चतम ट्वेंटी-२० गणक थे। देवंग दैवलेखक दैववद् लट्ठक वराजीवी शास्त्रतत्वज्ञ शुमारिंदा स्कोर बबनानेवाला
Usage of Scorer in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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