Secretive meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Secretive
As noun : छिपाऊ
As adjective :
अनरहस Ex:  You should be secretive in the matters of your studies. आच्छाद्य Ex:  Bush became a member of the secretive Skull and Bones society गुहय Ex:  Votes in these committees were secretive गोपनीय Ex:  A secretive arrangement granted a percentage of the CIA budget. उ:   सर्जिकल स्‍ट्राइक की जानकारी बेहद गोपनीय रखी जाती है। गोमगा Ex:  It does not seem to touch it said of a secretive man, who hides his game रहस्यात्मक उ:   इसक अतिरिक्त इन्होंने रहस्यात्मक कविताओं की भी सृष्टि की। सावरण
Other : उद्रेचक Ex:  The young animals lead cautious and secretive lives गोपनशील Ex:  In contrast to the extremely secretive PSYOPs against the Soviet Union घुन्ना Ex:  It is a secretive चुप्पा Ex:  plot, scheming, secretive practice whose aim is blameworthy or appears as रहस्य उ:   यही इनकी सफलता का रहस्य होता है। शरीर का मलोत्पादक शरीर से रक्त इत्यादि निकालनेवाला
Usage of Secretive in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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