Silently meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Silently
As adverb : उपजोषण Ex:  He slipped the bullets in silently .
कुपिया Ex:  Aegina was silently left under Athens' control खामोशी से Ex:  The child usually blocks silently of the first sound of a sentence चुपचाप उ:   हम दोनों चुपचाप घोड़ेवालों की तरफ बढ़ रहे थे। छिपाछिपी बिना आवाज़ किए सीरापु
Other : चुप Ex:  swishing silently speaking of insects buzzing, etc उ:   पर अत्तिला चुप बैठने वाला आदमी न था। चुपके से Ex:  They stood before him silently फुस मौन रहकर
Usage of Silently in sentences

The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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