Slave meaning in hindi - Slave का मतलब हिंदी में

Slave meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Slave
As noun : अंगमर्द Ex:  a slave to fashion
अंचुर Ex:  he was born of slave parents अस्वतत्र Ex:  The slave got a whipping. आज्ञाकर Ex:  Put the slave on the rack. आनुयात्रिक Ex:  In 1807, he signed a bill abolishing the slave trade. उपस्थायक Ex:  A slave could have possessions and even own other slaves. कंकर Ex:  Among them was an African slave who had smallpox. काम करना Ex:  1860. It argued for states' rights for slave owners in the South कियंकर Ex:  The Southern economy and military effort depended on slave labor. क्रीतदास Ex:  Antony escaped Rome dressed as a slave उ:   मेरियस के क्रीतदास प्राउमस से आवेदन कीजिए। खिजमतिया Ex:  Socrates elicits a fact concerning a geometrical construction from a slave boy गुलाम Ex:  In 1789, a slave rebellion was put down. उ:   १७८६ में देहरादून पर गुलाम कादिर का आक्रमण हुआ। गोप्यक Ex:  The city served as the center of a large slave trade to Brazil from c. गोलडाँ Ex:  The slave trade was abolished in 1836 घरजाया Ex:  A slave may lead a Friday prayer चरणसेवक Ex:  Oroonoko organizes a slave revolt. चरणसेवी Ex:  During the height of the slave trade चेराँ Ex:  Queen María Cristina abolished the slave trade to Spanish colonies. तबीन Ex:  Following the abolition of the slave trade दस्यु Ex:  Missouri was a slave state in the Union उ:   भारत में बहुत से दस्यु थे। दास Ex:  The purpose of these camps varied: some were slave labor camps उ:   श्री हनुमान दास को हनुमान जी की कृपा प्राप्त थी। दासअ Ex:  Owens was the grandson of a slave and the son of a sharecropper. दासजन Ex:  There is some evidence that Caterina may have been a slave from the Middle East दोस्थ Ex:  This lead to a gradual scale-down of the slave population नीच काम करना Ex:  The colony became a slave society. नौकर Ex:  After the end of the African slave traffic in the country उ:   वे अब एक नए नौकर की तलाश में हैं। परप्रेष्य Ex:  Convince me that one man may rightfully make another man his slave पराचित Ex:  As citizens of a slave state परिकर्मी Ex:  After five years spent as a slave in Algiers परिचारिक Ex:  Sierra Leone became an important centre of the transatlantic slave trade परिप्रेष्य Ex:  During the 1700s the major slave trading base in Sierra Leone was Bunce Island पारिकुट Ex:  Máel Coluim spent much of his reign conducting slave raids against the English पुं Ex:  For pre-twelfth century Scotland, we should add slave to this category. पेशदामन Ex:  In 1619 Dutch started with the slave trade between Africa and America प्रैष्य Ex:  Jack Gladstone, led the 1823 slave rebellion. फर्माबरदार Ex:  The slave raids of Crimeans बदा Ex:  be a slave to his word, Holding religiously what promises बधी Ex:  In antiquity, the slave master was the thing बाडीर Ex:  It amassed a slave by his savings and he used to buy his freedom बुर्दा Ex:  It is a slave भगत Ex:  It is a slave to anyone who can help her fortune उ:   जात्रा भगत इस आन्दोलन का प्रमुख नेता था। भड़िल Ex:  It is a slave to that master भुंजष्य Ex:  It is a slave, quite slave in this job भृतकबल Ex:  It is also said adjectively Having a slave soul मुलाजिम Ex:  It is also used as an adjective and means who served as the slave trade लतखोरा Ex:  It is often said as opposed to slave, slave लाड़िक Ex:  Shipping a slave वशवर्ती Ex:  slave विधिकर Ex:  slave विष्टिकृत् Ex:  slave ship, and elliptically A slave शागिर्दपेशा Ex:  state, condition of a slave शुश्रूषिता Ex:  That was a slave to war श्रीतवान Ex:  The one who formerly was the slave trade श्लिकु Ex:  The past participle freed, IE, and is also the name refers to a slave who was given the freedom श्लिक्यु Ex:  The slave is no longer practiced सवेग Ex:  The slave trade was abolished सेवक Ex:  To free a slave उ:   सारे सरकारी सेवक श्रमिक के रूप में समान वेतन पाते हैं। हजुरी Ex:  Trafficking in negroes, slave and absolutely Trafficking, Trade in black slaves हशम Ex:  , a slave of favor, be a slave his interests, his passions, Do everything for the favor for his interests, to satisfy his passions
Other : किंकर Ex:  The remaining eight slave states rejected pleas to join the Confederacy. गुलाम बनाना Ex:  The large slave population also proved difficult to control गुलामी करना Ex:  Just war was considered to be slave rebellions चाकर Ex:  All had legalized the African slave trade. टहलुआ Ex:  Côte d'Ivoire suffered little from the slave trade. दास बनाना Ex:  Missouri was a slave state and considered by many to be part of the South दास या गुलाम Ex:  Aruba was saved from plantation and the economics of the slave trade. दासत्व करना Ex:  Washington operated his plantations as a typical Virginia slave owner. परतंत्र Ex:  The Act imposed a fine of £100 for every slave found aboard a British ship. परिश्रम करना Ex:  The slave states of Missouri बंदा Ex:  A young, a young slave
Slave ki paribhasha : —aage badh bola men prabhuvara, kinkarakar lega yah kaary seva karane ke liye vetan aadi par niyukt manushy vaishnav va vah saadhu jo tilak lagaata aur maaans aadi na khaata ho vah jo apane ko doosare ki seva ke liye samarpit kar de
Examples Words that rhyme with slave
Usage of Slave in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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