Somehow meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Somehow
As noun : किसी कारण से Ex:  they managed somehow
As adverb :
किसी तरह से Ex:  We'll get this piano up the stairs somehow . किसी भी तरह Ex:  They are myths which somehow reproduce the image of Christ". जैसे तैसे Ex:  I was embarrassed as if somehow I were responsible . पता नहीं क्यों Ex:  BEHAVE means Behave and use it somehow वह कारण जो पता न हो Ex:  By extension it means, in colloquial language, establish someone somehow in a particular location
Other : किसी ढंग से Ex:  The old lady somehow lived unsupported. किसी न किसी प्र्रकार स Ex:  Sampras began visibly weeping during the match but somehow managed to win. किसी प्रकार से Ex:  Once it has done so, it must somehow make its way to its destination.
Usage of Somehow in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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