Sour meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sour
As noun : अंबुल Ex:  Milk becomes sour when turned into curd.
अकलखुरा Ex:  Every one like sweet and sour toffees. अभ्यसुय Ex:  The sour cream added taste to the delicious dish. अमरखी Ex:  A lemon is a very sour yellow fruit. अम्ल Ex:  A lemon is a very sour yellow fruit. उ:   धातु, या धातुमूलक पहले आते हैं और अम्ल पीछे। अयाथार्यिक Ex:  He took a deep breath and dived into the pool
His sour breath offended her
अवोद Ex:  It looks like all my plans are going sour . उत्वलेदन Ex:  The sour taste of sourdoughs actually comes not from the yeast उपकिलन्न Ex:  Some of these products include sour cream ऊष Ex:  A bell that makes a sound sour ओल्ल Ex:  A sound too sour offends the ear कटु अनुभव Ex:  A sour report कमरंद Ex:  A sweet and sour style कोहन Ex:  An extremely sour iron क्रोधन Ex:  Botanical plant of the Solanaceae family that grows in hedges and in the vineyards and the fruit is a slightly sour bay, enclosed in a red blister क्रोधालु Ex:  Character sour क्रोधी Ex:  Do not eat this bunch of grapes, this is just sour grapes खट्टा करना Ex:  Fort sour खट्टा बनना Ex:  From the wine turns sour खट्टा बनाना Ex:  Fruits are a sour taste, which have a sour taste, which are sour taste गलत Ex:  He spoke of a sour tone उ:   गलत तरीके से उपयोग करने पर समय की बर्बादी होती है। गीला Ex:  He wrote him a strong sour style उ:   यदि बॉयोमास हरा एवं गीला है तब पानी की आवश्यकता कम रहेगी। चंड़ Ex:  In a sour way चटन Ex:  In terms of etching, it is said that the boards are sour when the metal is hard and leaves are difficult to cut by the tools चटपटा Ex:  It gave him a severe reprimand and sour चिड़चिड़ा बनाना Ex:  It smells sour, sour shoots जलसिक्त Ex:  Quality which is sour डबकौहाँ Ex:  Say words sour तमोंध Ex:  Similarly tools are sour when they are soaked too hard तमोमंय Ex:  Small wine sour तुदंखू Ex:  soften his voice, speak in a tone less sour or lower पित्तेदार Ex:  The fruit of barberry has a taste sour प्रोदक Ex:  The rain softened the time, it makes it less sour फटना Ex:  These pears are sour फलाम्लिक Ex:  They say even a taste, odor sour फाड़खाऊ ‡ Ex:  This iron is so sour that one can not forge the फीटना Ex:  This wine starts to turn, it turns sour मषार Ex:  This wine starts to turn, it turns sour रसभीना Ex:  This wine, this drink pricks, this wine, this drink begins to sour रसमसा Ex:  Turn a person at will, ict Handling sour spirit we make _him_ do anything you want रुरुक्षु Ex:  Vegetable plant of the family of Polygonées of a sour taste रूखा बनाना Ex:  Which is a bit sour रूखा Ex:  Which is a bit sour विथुरना Ex:  Which of the two genres is a sour and unpleasant mood विस्खलित Ex:  Who has a sour taste and sour श्रृद्ध Ex:  Who is a little sour, a little sour संक्लिन्न Ex:  Your opponent is the spirit most I know sour सड़ाना Ex:  , There are still sour in the air, The time is not yet completely softened समुन्न Ex:  A sour tone साठनाठ Ex:  By extension Fiddler who swears under the bow, That makes it sound sour स्फोटित Ex:  It means, by analogy, Manufacturing sour noise, rubbing harshly against others or breaking, speaking of Things
As adjective : खट्टा Ex:  Having the sharp voice, a sour and unpleasant voice उ:   स्वाद - करोंदा का स्वाद खट्टा होता है। खट्वर Ex:  He also said, in terms of Botany, a small flowering plant to Easter time, whose leaves have a sour taste and that provides the salt of sorrel
Other : कडवा Ex:  A sour sauce कड़वा Ex:  A sour smell that hurts the heart उ:   इसमें कालापन लिए हुए लाल रंग का तैल और कड़वा सत्व होता है। कड़वा Ex:  figuratively, His mood is sour खट्टा होना Ex:  Fruits that sourness, with a little sour चिडचिडा होना Ex:  It is a very sour person, though sour woman चिडचिडा Ex:  It is not usual that in speaking of sour Manner in which we speak or are written चिडचिडाना Ex:  It is used as a noun when speaking of taste and sour smell चिड़चिड़ा होना Ex:  Kind of sour juice plants, said Daphne, whose sheet resembles, in its form, that of the bay, such as the nice wooden चिड़चिड़ाना Ex:  of both genders who has a sour flavor तुर्श Ex:  The copper end is soft, but the alloy makes sour
Sour ki paribhasha : sngit men gndhaar svar ki do shrutiyon men se antim shruti aaghaat lagane ka kaaran athava yon hi kisi poli chij ka is prakaar tootana ya khndit hona athava usamen daraar pad jaana jisamen bhitar ki chijen baahar nikal paden athava dikhaayi dene lagen jisamen ghi, tel aadi chikane padaarth na pade hon kisi vastu ko sadne men pravrat karana jihva se anubhoot honevaala chhaः rason men se ek ek prakaar ka tran
Usage of Sour in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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