Splurge meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Splurge
As noun : खर्च करना Ex:  EAT also means figuratively Consumer, dissipate splurge
दिखावा करना Ex:  He never splurge that पैसे उड़ाना Ex:  You say he is wise, and he does admit that splurge पैसे उड़ाने की धुन Ex:  , All splurge a human brain can accommodate gathered in his head
Other : आडम्बर करना Ex:  He had a splurge and bought two new suits. आडम्बर Ex:  Go ahead, splurge a little while you've got it . ठा Ex:  From splurge दिखावा Ex:  The one who consumes its well splurge
Usage of Splurge in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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