Stale meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Stale
As noun : ढोरों का मूत्र करना Ex:  It is a wise head, a stale head, asked said of a man a right judgment, imagination set
As verb :
अरअ Ex:  The company refused his stale ideas. गतरस Ex:  It becomes stale more quickly in the low temperature of a refrigerator घिसा पिटा Ex:  By avoiding stale views of memory घोड़ों का मूत्र करना Ex:  A man stale निसीठी Ex:  It takes a bit stale this नीरस Ex:  stale Gypsum and Gypsum that has lost its quality under the action of air, sunlight or moisture फीकरिया बद्बूदार विरलभक्ति साठनाठ
As adjective : चिरत्न Ex:  Absolutely, like name, Stale, a stale जर्जारित Ex:  In this sense it is said rather stale पुरातम Ex:  The fresh air, the atmosphere in an open place, as opposed to the stale air in homes that can not move and renew slowly पुराना Ex:  The past participle is used stale adjectively उ:   कहा जाता है कि यह मंदिर सदियों पुराना है। पूब Ex:  This young man did not mind the stale प्रतन प्रवया प्रीण फरसूदा बटवायक बासी उ:   ये ऋतु का अंतिम दिन होता है जब बासी खाना खा सकते हैं। महल्लक शबाना शबीना
Other : काल तिरोहित Ex:  I threw away the stale cake. दिनी Ex:  It is said to the contrary, It is a brainless head a little brain, a small brain, a brain evaporated, a stale brains पर्युषित Ex:  stale is still male name and means a horse that gives Iron, which relates, which sits down with new nails when it is still good पशुमूत्र Ex:  stale liquor, a substance पेशाब करना प्रलोभन फफूंदा फुसलावा बासा बेस्वाद भुलावा लघुशंका करना लम्बी भेंट वासी उ:   उस समय इस निवाई नगर के वासी बहुत संपन थे। वीत काल
Stale ki paribhasha : jo puraana hone ke kaaran toot phoot gaya ho kisi ko kisi or pravratt karane ke liye use laabh ki aasha dene ka kaam basoola jisase badhai lakadi chhilate hain 3301 niras jisamen koi svaad ya maja na ho kisi dhaava, gaddhe ya khaali jagah ko kisi vastu se chhek dena khaady padaarth jise taiyaar hue adhik samay ho chuka ho aur jisaka svaad bigad chuka ho
Usage of Stale in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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