Steer meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Steer
As noun : अनुकरण करना Ex:  The cowboy roped up the steer .
खड़ना Ex:  You had better steer away from Jeff . चलाना Ex:  In terms of cycling, he said of the hollow steel bar that serves the rider to steer his machine चलाया जाना Ex:  S ' steer a new path, Change profession, business, opinions ठोलना Ex:  Strap attached to the jaw of a horse whose rider uses to steer his mount डगराना Ex:  We must steer these two lines नषाना बधिया बैल बाँहना मुचाना रंदना विछाडना संप्रवर्त्तन सियाक सूटना हँड़वाना
As verb : परिचालन उ:   मीटर गेज ट्रेन का परिचालन फ़रवरी २०१५ से बंद कर दिया गया। मार्ग दिखाना
Usage of Steer in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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