Sunny meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sunny
As adjective : उजला Ex:  Summer months are quite sunny with moderate temperatures उ:   शुक्ल शब्द का अर्थ उजला होता है।
ऊजती Ex:  Portage la Prairie ranks 1st for most sunny days in warm months in Canada. ऊजरी Ex:  The city also features sunny days about 90% of the year. ऊजला Ex:  The weather is usually sunny and relatively dry धूपदार Ex:  During spring and autumn the weather is generally sunny and mild. उ:   यहाँ शीतकालीन रातें ठंडी होती हैं लेकिन दिन धूपदार और गरम होते हैं। धौला Ex:  June and July are usually rainy periods and August is sunny with high winds.
Other : उजला या धूपवाला Ex:  This kind of sunny weather just blisses me out . उजाला Ex:  The lack of humidity and clouds makes Tehran a very sunny city. उज्ज्वल Ex:  Manitoba is also a very sunny province खुशमिजाज़ Ex:  Summer months are mostly sunny प्रफुल्ल Ex:  On a sunny spring or fall day सूर्य सा चमकीला Ex:  A sunny day हँसमुख Ex:  Espalier sunny
Sunny ki paribhasha : jisake chehare se prasannata ka bhaav prakat hota hai
Usage of Sunny in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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