Swear meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Swear
As noun : अंग छूना Ex:  Manihar swear for testing bangles
As verb :
कसम खाना Ex:  They swear allegiance to the flag. गाली देना Ex:  Please don't swear at the children . गाली बकना Ex:  I swear by Jupiter that I will be there on time . दृढतापूर्वक कहना Ex:  I swear by this computer . पूरा भरोसा रखना Ex:  Roosevelt did not swear on a Bible वचन देना Ex:  I hate to hear him swear शपथ करना Ex:  I swear it is not the शपथ लेना Ex:  The evaporated air swear with gray hair
Other : कसम Ex:  Soldiers swear while joining the army. उ:   कृष्णा और सरस्वती दोनों ज्योति की मौत का बदला लेने की कसम खाते हैं। दृढ़तापूर्वक कहना Ex:  However, Sigismund III required that Smolensk not only swear allegiance मुचलका Ex:  Absolutely, swear on the Gospels Saints, on the Gospel शपथ दिलाना Ex:  It only swear God's name शपथ देना Ex:  Terme, more or less familiar, more or less crude, which is used to swear शपथ से वर्णन करना Ex:  Witnesses before filing in court, swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth शपथपूर्वक कहना सौगन्ध खाना
Swear ki paribhasha : vah pratigyaapatr jisake dvaara bhavishy men koi kaama, visheshataः anuchit kaama, na karane athava kisi niyat samay par adaalat men upasthit hone ki pratigya ki jaati hai aur kaha jaata hai ki yadi mujhase amuk anuchit kaam ho jaayagaa, athava main amavuk samay par amuk adaalat men uparisthat na hoooangaa, to main itana arthik ded dooanga
Usage of Swear in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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